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Mumbai-based HiMedia Laboratories is geared up to face a possible outbreak of monkey pox virus with extraction and RT PCR detection kits.
Running ahead of time, HiGenoMB, the molecular biology section of HiMedia Labs is prepared for what can become the next pandemic – Monkeypox. It is amongst the first few Indian multinationals to come up with the viral DNA extraction and monkeypox RT PCR kits for detection of the virus.
Swab samples from suspected individuals can be processed using HiPurA Viral DNA/RNA purification kit (MB582) that is based on the silica column format and aids in quick and simultaneous extraction of the viral DNA and RNA from the sample.
Subsequent detection by Hi-PCR Monkeypox Virus Multiplex Probe PCR kit (MBPCR269), a Taq Man based Probe PCR kit, can accurately detect the virus with utmost sensitivity and specificity; even 3.31 copies/µl of the viral gene.
After capturing the global market with its complete portfolio of COVID-19 testing products, the R&D team has developed kits for monkey pox testing that is in the process of receiving validation from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). These kits are available for research use right now.