Cabinet approves continuation of AIDS programme
March 08, 2019 | Friday | News
The total outlay will be Rs 6434.76 crore
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by the Prime Minister has given its approval for continuation of National AIDS Control Programme-IV (NACP-IV) beyond 12th Five Year Plan for a period of three years from April, 2017 to March, 2020. The total outlay will be Rs.6434.76 crore.
The programme is aiming:
- More than 99% of population will be kept HIV free.
- More than 70 lakh of key population covered annually through a comprehensive HIV prevention programme.
- Around 15 crore of vulnerable population (including five crore pregnant women) will be tested for HIV in three years of project.
- Two crore 32 lakh units of blood will be collected at NACO’s supported blood banks during three year of project.
- Two crore 82 lakh episodes of sexually transmitted infections will be managed under project during three years of project.
- Seventeen lakh of PLHIV will be put on free anti-retroviral treatment by end of project period.