FlexiLoans.com has partnered with Retailio, a B2B healthcare marketplace to provide working capital loans to its 100,000+ retailers and distributors pan India. The partnership aims to fund over 15,000+ pharma retailers in the next 18 months. It will enable the pharmacies to cater to the increased demand for healthcare products and stock holding period by ensuring that funding for their working capital needs is taken care of digitally within 24- 48 hours of them applying for a loan.
The seamless lending integration with Retailio took less than two weeks given FlexiLoans.com’s robust plug and play architecture. The retailers on Retailio will benefit from FlexiLoans's Co-lending platform - BiFrost with access to a wide range of lenders and seamless digital on-boarding.
Since its inception in 2016,Flexiloans.com has disbursed more than Rs 1000 crores to more than 30,000+ customers across 1500+ cities across India. It receives over 100,000 applications per month, largely from Tier II, III and Tier IV cities in India. By the end of this year, it aims to hit an annualised disbursal run-rate of Rs 1000+ crores in a single year.